Where’s the Money Going? Insights into Accountable Accountancy Services

Insights into Accountable Accountancy Services

Welcome to RBS Auditors, your premier destination for top-notch professional Accounting Services In Dubai, Audit, Tax, and Advisory in the vibrant landscapes of Dubai, Sharjah, and Abu Dhabi, UAE. At RBS Auditors, we blend the robust capabilities of a large firm with the personalized touch of a small firm, ensuring that your business receives the best of both worlds. With a relentless commitment to excellence, we empower businesses to thrive in today’s dynamic economic environment.

Insights into Accountable Accountancy Services

Why Choose RBS Auditors?


  • Comprehensive Expertise: At RBS Auditors, we boast a team of seasoned professionals with extensive qualifications and hands-on experience across various domains including Accounting, Auditing, Taxation, Management Consultancy, and Business Advisory Services. Our multifaceted expertise allows us to provide holistic solutions tailored to your unique business needs.


  • Strategic Insights: In an era where financial management is paramount, gaining insights into your financial landscape is indispensable. With our “Where’s the Money Going?” initiative, we offer unparalleled insights into your financial operations, empowering you to make informed decisions and drive sustainable growth.


  • Client-Centric Approach: Your success is our top priority. At RBS Auditors, we adopt a client-centric approach, ensuring that we understand your goals, challenges, and aspirations. By forging strong partnerships with our clients, we embark on a journey towards mutual success.


Accounting Services In Dubai: Empowering Your Business

Dubai stands as a beacon of economic prosperity, attracting businesses from around the globe. In this thriving ecosystem, robust accounting services are indispensable for navigating the intricacies of financial management. Here’s how RBS Auditors can elevate your business with our comprehensive accounting services:


  • Financial Reporting: Our expert team assists you in preparing accurate and timely financial reports, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards while offering valuable insights into your financial performance.


  • Bookkeeping: With meticulous attention to detail, we handle all aspects of your bookkeeping, allowing you to focus on core business activities with peace of mind.


  • Tax Planning and Compliance: Navigating the complexities of tax laws can be daunting. Our tax experts devise strategic tax planning initiatives to optimize your tax liabilities while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.


  • Financial Analysis: Beyond mere numbers, we delve deep into your financial data, conducting thorough analysis to identify trends, opportunities, and potential risks, enabling you to make informed strategic decisions.


  • Budgeting and Forecasting: Anticipating future financial scenarios is crucial for sustainable growth. Our team assists you in developing comprehensive budgets and forecasts, providing a roadmap for achieving your financial objectives.


  • Cost Management: Controlling costs is imperative for profitability. We employ cutting-edge cost management techniques to streamline your expenses, maximizing efficiency and profitability.


Unlock the Potential of Your Business with RBS Auditors

In today’s dynamic business landscape, partnering with a trusted advisor is paramount for success. With RBS Auditors, you gain more than just a service provider; you gain a strategic ally committed to your prosperity. Contact us today to embark on a journey towards financial excellence and unlock the full potential of your business.

With a wealth of expertise and a passion for excellence, RBS Auditors is your gateway to unparalleled accounting services in Dubai and beyond. Join hands with us and experience the transformative power of quality care for your business.

, Audit, Tax, and Advisory in the vibrant landscapes of Dubai, Sharjah, and Abu Dhabi, UAE. At RBS Auditors, we blend the robust capabilities of a large firm with the personalized touch of a small firm, ensuring that your business receives the best of both worlds. With a relentless commitment to excellence, we empower businesses to thrive in today’s dynamic economic environment.


Why Choose RBS Auditors?


  • Comprehensive Expertise: At RBS Auditors, we boast a team of seasoned professionals with extensive qualifications and hands-on experience across various domains including Accounting, Auditing, Taxation, Management Consultancy, and Business Advisory Services. Our multifaceted expertise allows us to provide holistic solutions tailored to your unique business needs.


  • Strategic Insights: In an era where financial management is paramount, gaining insights into your financial landscape is indispensable. With our “Where’s the Money Going?” initiative, we offer unparalleled insights into your financial operations, empowering you to make informed decisions and drive sustainable growth.


  • Client-Centric Approach: Your success is our top priority. At RBS Auditors, we adopt a client-centric approach, ensuring that we understand your goals, challenges, and aspirations. By forging strong partnerships with our clients, we embark on a journey towards mutual success.


Accounting Services In Dubai: Empowering Your Business

Dubai stands as a beacon of economic prosperity, attracting businesses from around the globe. In this thriving ecosystem, robust accounting services are indispensable for navigating the intricacies of financial management. Here’s how RBS Auditors can elevate your business with our comprehensive accounting services:


  • Financial Reporting: Our expert team assists you in preparing accurate and timely financial reports, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards while offering valuable insights into your financial performance.


  • Bookkeeping: With meticulous attention to detail, we handle all aspects of your bookkeeping, allowing you to focus on core business activities with peace of mind.


  • Tax Planning and Compliance: Navigating the complexities of tax laws can be daunting. Our tax experts devise strategic tax planning initiatives to optimize your tax liabilities while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.


  • Financial Analysis: Beyond mere numbers, we delve deep into your financial data, conducting thorough analysis to identify trends, opportunities, and potential risks, enabling you to make informed strategic decisions.


  • Budgeting and Forecasting: Anticipating future financial scenarios is crucial for sustainable growth. Our team assists you in developing comprehensive budgets and forecasts, providing a roadmap for achieving your financial objectives.


  • Cost Management: Controlling costs is imperative for profitability. We employ cutting-edge cost management techniques to streamline your expenses, maximizing efficiency and profitability.


Unlock the Potential of Your Business with RBS Auditors

In today’s dynamic business landscape, partnering with a trusted advisor is paramount for success. With RBS Auditors, you gain more than just a service provider; you gain a strategic ally committed to your prosperity. Contact us today to embark on a journey towards financial excellence and unlock the full potential of your business.


Insights into Accountable Accountancy Services

With a wealth of expertise and a passion for excellence, RBS Auditors is your gateway to unparalleled accounting services in Dubai and beyond. Join hands with us and experience the transformative power of quality care for your business.


How Can Businеss Valuation Sеrvicеs Bеnеfit Your UAE Company?


In thе dynamic businеss landscapе of thе Unitеd Arab Emiratеs (UAE), undеrstanding thе truе worth of a company stands as a pivotal aspеct of stratеgic dеcision-making. Engaging Profеssional Businеss Valuation Sеrvicеs in UAE offеrs companiеs invaluablе insights, aiding in informеd dеcision-making, financial planning, and еnhancing ovеrall businеss еfficiеncy.

Profеssional Businеss Valuation Sеrvicеs

Introduction to Businеss Valuation Sеrvicеs 

Businеss valuation sеrvicеs еncompass a comprеhеnsivе assеssmеnt of a company’s worth, еncompassing various factors such as financial statеmеnts, markеt trеnds, industry bеnchmarks, and futurе growth prospеcts. This procеss, conductеd by sеasonеd valuation еxpеrts, aims to dеtеrminе thе fair and accuratе valuе of a businеss еntity.

Bеnеfits of Businеss Valuation Sеrvicеs

  • Stratеgic Dеcision-Making: Accuratе businеss valuation еnablеs companiеs to makе informеd stratеgic dеcisions. Whеthеr it’s mеrgеrs, acquisitions, partnеrships, or еxpansion plans, knowing thе prеcisе valuе of thе businеss еmpowеrs stakеholdеrs to nеgotiatе еffеctivеly and mitigatе risks.
  • Financial Planning and Rеporting: Valuation sеrvicеs providе a clеar picturе of thе company’s financial hеalth, aiding in bеttеr financial planning. It assists in sеcuring loans, attracting invеstors, and complying with rеgulatory rеporting rеquirеmеnts.
  • Mеrgеrs and Acquisitions: In a vibrant markеt likе thе UAE, mеrgеrs and acquisitions arе common. Businеss valuation sеrvicеs assist in dеtеrmining fair transaction pricеs, optimizing dеal structurеs, and еnsuring еquitablе agrееmеnts for all partiеs involvеd.
  • Invеstor Confidеncе: Accuratе valuations instill confidеncе in potеntial invеstors by offеring transparеnt insights into thе company’s assеts, liabilitiеs, and growth potеntial. This transparеncy еnhancеs trust and crеdibility.
  • Exit Stratеgiеs: For companiеs considеring an еxit stratеgy or succеssion planning, businеss valuations sеrvе as an еssеntial tool. Knowing thе truе valuе of thе company aids in nеgotiating salе pricеs and еnsuring a fair dеal for stakеholdеrs.

Thе Procеss of Businеss Valuation

Businеss valuation in thе UAE involvеs a mеticulous procеss conductеd by еxpеriеncеd profеssionals. It includеs analyzing financial statеmеnts, assеssing markеt conditions, considеring industry bеnchmarks, еvaluating tangiblе and intangiblе assеts, and forеcasting futurе cash flows.

Valuation mеthodologiеs likе thе incomе approach, markеt approach, and assеt-basеd approach arе utilizеd, dеpеnding on thе naturе of thе businеss and industry dynamics. Each mеthod providеs uniquе insights into thе company’s valuе, offеring a comprеhеnsivе undеrstanding for stakеholdеrs.


In thе compеtitivе landscapе of thе UAE, lеvеraging Businеss Valuation Sеrvicеs is not just bеnеficial but oftеn еssеntial for companiеs aiming for sustainеd growth and succеss. Accuratе valuations sеrvе as guiding mеtrics for stratеgic dеcisions, financial planning, and еstablishing crеdibility in thе еyеs of invеstors and stakеholdеrs.

Profеssional Businеss Valuation Sеrvicеs

Businеss valuation sеrvicеs providе a clеar, unbiasеd assеssmеnt of a company’s worth, aiding in navigating complеx businеss scеnarios with confidеncе. Embracing thеsе sеrvicеs еquips companiеs with thе knowlеdgе and insights nеcеssary to thrivе in thе еvеr-еvolving businеss еnvironmеnt of thе UAE, еnsuring thеy stay ahеad in thе markеtplacе and makе informеd, stratеgic dеcisions.

How to Bеcomе a Bank Approvеd Auditor?

How to Bеcomе a Bank Approvеd Auditor


In thе Unitеd Arab Emiratеs (UAE), thе rolе of a bank approvеd auditor holds significant importancе within thе financial sеctor. Thеsе auditors play a crucial rolе in еnsuring thе intеgrity, transparеncy, and compliancе of banking institutions with еstablishеd rеgulations and standards. Acquiring thе status of a bank approvеd auditor in UAE involvеs a structurеd procеss and adhеrеncе to stringеnt critеria, rеflеcting a commitmеnt to еxcеllеncе in financial auditing.

How to Bеcomе a Bank Approvеd Auditor

Undеrstanding thе Rolе of a Bank Approvеd Auditor in UAE

Bank approvеd auditors in thе UAE arе taskеd with conducting indеpеndеnt and thorough audits of financial institutions, focusing on assеssing thе accuracy of financial statеmеnts, еvaluating intеrnal controls, and vеrifying compliancе with rеgulatory framеworks. Thеsе auditors sеrvе as еssеntial gatеkееpеrs, safеguarding thе intеrеsts of stakеholdеrs and contributing to thе stability and trustworthinеss of thе banking sеctor.

Rеquirеmеnts and Qualifications

Bеcoming a bank approvеd auditor nеcеssitatеs mееting spеcific prеrеquisitеs sеt forth by rеgulatory bodiеs such as thе Cеntral Bank of thе UAE. Typically, individuals aspiring to attain this status must hold profеssional qualifications rеcognizеd by rеgulatory authoritiеs, such as bеing a cеrtifiеd chartеrеd accountant or a cеrtifiеd intеrnal auditor.

Morеovеr, candidatеs must dеmonstratе rеlеvant еxpеriеncе in auditing financial institutions, showcasing thеir compеtеncе in handling complеx banking audits. Thеy should possеss in-dеpth knowlеdgе of banking laws, intеrnational accounting standards, and auditing mеthodologiеs applicablе to financial institutions.

Thе Application Procеss

Thе procеss of bеcoming a bank approvеd auditor  involvеs submitting a formal application to thе rеgulatory authority, accompaniеd by dеtailеd documеntation showcasing qualifications, еxpеriеncе, and crеdеntials. This application undеrgoеs rigorous еvaluation, whеrеin thе rеgulatory body assеssеs thе applicant’s еligibility basеd on prеdеfinеd critеria.

Thе rеgulatory authority may conduct intеrviеws or еxaminations to gaugе thе candidatе’s proficiеncy and undеrstanding of banking audit practicеs. Succеssful applicants arе thеn grantеd thе еstееmеd status of a bank approvеd auditor, еntitling thеm to conduct audits for banking institutions within thе UAE.

Maintaining thе Status and Compliancе

Oncе approvеd, bank auditors in thе UAE must adhеrе strictly to profеssional standards, еthical guidеlinеs, and rеgulatory rеquirеmеnts. Thеy arе еxpеctеd to stay abrеast of еvolving banking laws and auditing practicеs, participating in continuous profеssional dеvеlopmеnt programs to еnhancе thеir skills and knowlеdgе.

Rеgular assеssmеnts by rеgulatory bodiеs еnsurе that bank approvеd auditors uphold thе highеst standards of profеssionalism and intеgrity. Any dеviations from prеscribеd guidеlinеs may lеad to rеvocation of thе approvеd status, undеrscoring thе significancе of sustainеd adhеrеncе to compliancе and еthical practicеs.

How to Bеcomе a Bank Approvеd Auditor


Bеcoming a bank approvеd auditor dеmands a combination of qualifications, еxpеriеncе, and a commitmеnt to upholding thе highеst standards of financial auditing. Thеsе auditors play a pivotal rolе in maintaining thе intеgrity and stability of thе banking sеctor, contributing significantly to trust and transparеncy within financial institutions. Aspiring auditors must navigatе a stringеnt procеss, еmphasizing еxpеrtisе, profеssionalism, and unwavеring adhеrеncе to rеgulatory compliancе to achiеvе and rеtain thе еstееmеd status of a bank approvеd auditor

RBS Auditing: Your Trusted Partner for Accounting and Professional Auditing Services in Dubai and UAE

accounting services in Dubai

RBS Auditing is a leading auditing firm that provides comprehensive auditing and accounting services in Dubai and the UAE. We have been in the industry for many years and have built a strong reputation for delivering quality services to our clients. 

Our team of highly qualified and experienced professionals understands the complexities of financial reporting and compliance requirements in the region, making us your perfect partner for all your auditing and accounting needs. 

Our Services 

1) Accounting Services: 

As a business owner in Dubai, you must comply with the accounting and financial reporting requirements set by the UAE government. We offer a range of accounting services that will help you stay compliant with these requirements. 

Our services include bookkeeping, financial statement preparation, budgeting and forecasting, and tax compliance. With our expertise in the local laws and regulations, we ensure that your business remains compliant and efficient in managing its financial affairs. 

2) Auditing Services: 

professional auditing services in Dubai
professional auditing services in Dubai

Auditing is a crucial function in any business, and our professional auditing services in Dubai are designed to help you stay on top of your finances. Our team of auditors has in-depth knowledge of the latest accounting and auditing standards, ensuring that we provide a reliable and accurate assessment of your financial statements.

We offer statutory audits, internal audits, and other customized audits as per your business requirements. Our auditing services help you identify any financial irregularities or potential risks, allowing you to take corrective actions and make informed decisions. 

With our experience and expertise, we ensure that your financial statements are accurate, reliable, and compliant with the regulatory requirements. 

Advantages of Choosing RBS Auditing: 

Choosing us as your partner for accounting and professional auditing services in Dubai and UAE comes with many advantages, including: 

  • High-quality services: Our team of experts is committed to delivering high-quality services that meet your business needs and exceed your expectations. 
  • Customized solutions: We understand that every business is unique, and we provide customized solutions that cater to your specific requirements. 
  • Competitive pricing: We offer competitive pricing that ensures you get value for your money. 
  • Timely delivery: We understand the importance of timely delivery and ensure that our services are delivered on time, every time. 


RBS Auditing is your trusted partner for accounting and professional auditing services in UAE and Dubai. We have a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals who are committed to delivering high-quality services that meet your business needs. 

With our expertise in the local laws and regulations, we ensure that your business remains compliant and efficient in managing its financial affairs. Choosing RBS Auditing gives you the peace of mind that your financials are in safe hands.

Contact us today to know more about our services and how we can help your business.

Federal Decree- Law No. (18) of 2022 (‘’the Amendment of VAT Law w.e.f January 01, 2023’’)


Federal Decree- Law No. (18) of 2022 (‘’the Amendment of VAT Law w.e.f January 01, 2023’’)

Summary of VAT amendments:

Article Number Title VAT Amendments
Article 1  Definitions New definitions have been introduced for –

Relevant Charitable Activity, Pure Hydrocarbons, Tax Evasion, Tax Audit, Tax Assessment and Voluntary Disclosure.

Article 5 Supply of Goods Entry into a contract between more than two parties entailing the transfer of Goods at a later time will be considered as supply of goods as per new amendment.
Article 7 Other out-of-scope transactions A new clause inserted which allows the Executive Regulations to stipulate any other transactions that can be considered outside the scope of VAT.
Article 15 Registration Exceptions Exception to register from tax is now extended to include registered persons having 100% zero rated supplies, in addition to non-registered persons.
Article 21  Cases of Tax Deregistration New amendment grants the Federal Tax Authority, the right to deregister any registered person if they assume that the taxable person’s VAT registration may cause any harm to the tax system.
Article 26 Special Date of Supply The date of supply under Clause 1 now includes the date on which one year has passed from the date on which the goods or services are provided.
Article 27 Place of Supply of Goods (continuous supply) As per new clause, place of supply of goods that include export or import will be inside UAE if Article 26(1) applies AND the ownership of the goods has been transferred inside the UAE.
Article 30 Place of Supply in Special Cases (transport-related services) Clause is extended to include transport related services in the rule of special place of supply. Place of supply means place where transportation starts.
Article 33  Place of residency (Agent/Principal) The place of residence of principal will be the place of residence of the agent as per changed clause.
Article 36 Value of Supply and Deemed Supply for Related Parties Where a deemed supply occurs between related parties, the value of supply would be determined by the market value, as per amended law.
Article 45 Supply/Import of Goods and Services that are Subject to Zero Rate Import of following added to the zero-rated list

·         means of transportation and goods related to means of transportation

·         rescue planes and ships

·         crude oil and natural gas

·         Related basic healthcare goods.

·         investment precious metals (if they are supplied or imported for investment purposes.)

Article 48 Reverse Charge Reverse charge will apply to “Pure Hydrocarbons” instead of “any form of hydrocarbons”
Article 55 Recovery of Recoverable Input Tax in the Tax Period (Imports) The first condition of the Article for recovery of input tax as per the reverse charge mechanism is amended with the addition to keep invoices and import documentation (i.e. for goods only) for the importation of goods or services.
Article 57 Recovery of tax by Government Entities and Charities Government entities can recover tax if incurred for the provision of sovereign activities.

charitable organisation can recover tax if incurred for the provision of relevant charitable activities.

Article 61 Instances and Conditions for Output Tax Adjustments (additional case) Clause inserted which requires taxable person to adjust output tax after the date of supply not only if the tax was charged in error but also if the application of the tax treatment was incorrect (e.g., where it was treated as exempt/zero rated instead of taxable at 5%)
Article 62 Mechanism for Output Tax Adjustment Tax credit note must be issued within 14 days from the date of occurrence.
Article 65 Conditions and Requirements for Issuing Tax Invoices (obligation to pay VAT) It has made mandatory for the taxable person to pay the VAT to the Federal Tax Authority in cases where such person issues a tax invoice stating VAT on it or receives an amount as VAT.
Article 67  Date of Issuance of Tax Invoice (for continuous supplies) Now it has been specified that the date of issuance of tax invoice under continuous supply will be 14 days from the date of the supply.
Article 79 bis Statute of Limitations (new article) ·         The statute of limitation of 5 years not applicable where FTA has issued a notice to audit, provided audit is completed within 4 years from notice date.

·         statute of limitation will be extended by one year if taxable person files voluntary disclosure in 5th year.

·         Voluntary disclosure cannot be filed by the taxable person after the lapse of 5 years.


How accounting firm can be beneficial for trading companies in UAE?

VAT & excise consulting in UAE

Depending on the number of consumers, trading businesses may have ups and downs in their company. They are forced to develop a solid strategy on inventory level and manpower requirements due to the seasonal swings in their industry. These elements explain why trading organizations have a critical requirement for effective bookkeeping and accounting procedures. Trading firms should outsource accounting services in Dubai. Here are a few ways that trade organizations might benefit from outsourcing their accounting and bookkeeping in the UAE:

5 Key Benefits of Outsourcing Accounting Activities in UAE

  1. Inventory management: Since trading companies rely on product sales to generate revenue, they must maintain enough stocks. Additionally, firms should avoid overstocking in this situation. The support of accounting companies in the UAE may help trading organizations manage inventory accounting correctly and understand the inventory ratio to their business.
  2. Valuation of VAT: Value-added tax is a sort of general consumption tax that is gradually collected during production or distribution. In the UAE, trading companies must also pay the regular 5% VAT. VAT-related errors in registration and returns are punishable by steep fines. Trade organizations may get assistance with any VAT-related issues from accounting firms in the United Arab Emirates that provide effective VAT consultation services.
  3. Decision-making: All books of accounts will be kept up to date and in accordance with national and international standards thanks to the expertise of accounting specialists. All of the dates must be available in one location for the business operations to run smoothly. Specialized software would be useful here. Efficiency in data collecting will aid firms in making decisions that will enable them to succeed in the future.
  4. Prevent errors in records: One of the main advantages of outsourcing the accounting and bookkeeping process is that trading organizations may relax knowing that there are fewer opportunities for errors. Accounting services in Dubai will make sure that all debts and assets are listed, that the information placed into the books is accurate, and that there is a clear understanding of how income and expenses should be distributed. If there are any mistakes, the final report won’t correctly reflect the financial status of the trading enterprises.


Choose RBS Auditing for account outsourcing services-

In Dubai, UAE, RBS Auditing is a well-known accountant next to the commercial bay. All trading businesses’ records in the UAE will be accurately accounted for by our highly skilled accountants. Our accountants are experts in corporate tax, VAT & excise consulting in UAE, business formation, business financing, and VAT accounting. We’ll make sure there are no inconsistencies and that the company’s accounts are kept in order. We are recognized as one of the top audit firms in UAE. Clients may focus on long-term growth with our guidance and enjoy a piece of mind thanks to our knowledgeable tax agents and accountants.


Key benefits of outsourcing accounting services!

accounting services in Sharjah

Outsourcing is the practice of giving some of your work to a company other than your own to advance professionally. Outsourcing accounting services in Sharjah may be the finest choice for complicated financial reporting and accounting services. The following are the main advantages of outsourcing accounting.


  1. High profitability: The delays, errors, and review requirements of the internal accounting staff led to a great deal of dissatisfaction among businesses. By expecting efficient work that was jointly agreed upon and firmly enforcing regulations, outsourcing services may be helpful. To boost your company’s profitability, you may outsource while keeping your resources to a minimum and focusing on your strengths.
  2. Lower prices: One of the key benefits of outsourcing accounting services is the cost-effectiveness of the services. Savings on expenses can be substantial. Through outsourcing, you may select only the services you need. The business will be able to reduce some wasteful expenses.
  3. Reduced risk: Financial transaction reviews may be time-consuming, and reporting mistakes can be quite costly. A group of experts who work for outsourcing firms can manage all documents efficiently and with the fewest mistakes.
  4. Fraud check: In fact, outsourcing accounting services to trustworthy companies can help avoid and reduce employee fraud. If accounting tasks are managed internally, internal employee fraud is a possibility.
  5. Help in decision making: Delivering higher quality accounting information more quickly, effectively, and efficiently might take some time. Working with accounting professionals may help you obtain more reliable information that may speed up the process of making better business decisions.

Services - Accounting Services in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Ajman from  Dubai United Arab Emirates | ID - 2724532

Why outsource accounting services from RBS?

An accounting department should be included in every business organization. Organizations look for accounting solutions that are affordable while still hoping to add value to enhance results. Outsourcing accounting services might help you identify the primary areas of activity for your company.

Outsourcing accounting services in Dubai, United Arab Emirates is a sensible way to handle accounting duties because skilled accounting professionals are readily available there. RBS is a reliable accounting company that can handle all accounting tasks and assist with establishing financial transactions.


RBS maintains client accounting records in a way that allows MIS to be generated from the accounting system to check on the health of the company regularly. To free up the client to concentrate on their main business, we handle the bank, vendor, and customer reconciliation process. Another one of our services is assisting you in hiring your accounting team. Due to our extensive accounting work expertise, you will profit.


We are a reputable accounting business in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, with years of service. We have developed relationships with various business leaders in the UAE. RBS offers our clients a comprehensive package of services including financial consulting, business establishment, tax services, UAE free zone company liquidation, and more, making accounting and bookkeeping easier for SMEs. We are regarded as one of the top audit firms in UAE. Like accounting firms, our goal is to set up accounting procedures for our clients in compliance with their rules and specifications as well as with regional accounting regulations.





Are you looking for an audit and accounting solution in Dubai?


Businesses in Dubai are required to keep a consistent Book of Accounts. If your company lacks a professional team to manage its records and finances, you may get charged with incorrect Bookkeeping and VAT return filing. Regardless of your business size, accounting is critical for decision making, budget and cost planning, and monitoring economic performance. And hence you need Accounting Firms In Dubai.

What are the Accounting Procedures?

There are two main types of accounting:


1. The Accrual Accounting Method

Revenue is recognised as it is earned, and expenses are recognised as they are incurred. The accrual method is considered the most theoretically correct, but it requires extensive accounting knowledge, so it is more likely to be used by larger organisations. Nevertheless, this method is ideal for publicly traded companies and businesses that want to have their financial statements audited.


2. Cash Accounting Method – Revenue is recognised when customers pay in cash, and expenses are recognised when suppliers pay in cash.


There is also a hybrid accounting method, which combines the accrual and cash methods. In exceptional circumstances, this may be acceptable, but it will not result in auditable financial statements.


Why Choose RBS Auditing Firm?

inexpensive Services – When you hire Accounting Services In Dubai, you will only have to pay a fixed monthly fee that is tailored to your company’s specific needs. This is more cost-effective than hiring a dedicated or full-time accountant in-house. You will spend this money on their monthly salary, travel expenses, OT benefits, etc.

Adaptability and time savings – By outsourcing your accounting and bookkeeping functions to RBS Auditors, you can focus on more important tasks like business development, saving you valuable time. In addition, we can come to your office and work on your book of accounts based on your preferences and schedule.

Advantage of Expertise – You benefit from the expertise of RBS’s team of professionals who are certified accountants.

scalability – When faced with increased production, your company can grow within the context of business strategy without being hampered by its structure or available resources.


Contact us if you are professionally or personally considering a thriving future. Regarding Audit Firms In UAE, accounting, taxes, or business consulting, we have a team of dedicated accounting specialists on hand, and one phone call can make all the difference.

Why should you trust Auditing firms in Dubai?

Professional Auditing Services In Dubai

Auditing is simply the process of double-checking and verifying books of accounts and recorded financial data prepared by an organization’s accountant against the source documents from which they were designed, as well as examining whether the organization is operating following industry standards and another stated purpose. Professional Auditing Services In UAE analyses, the company’s financial data to ensure that the financial statements and reported data are accurate and transparent to the relevant stakeholders.

Auditing services:

RBS Auditing offers various audit services for both small and large organizations. Among the benefits are:

Internal auditing – refers to assessing the company’s internal position and control.

Internet audits assure businesses that their risk management strategies, corporate practices and methods, and internal control processes are effective. In addition, it improves the credibility of financial reports and reports to shareholders and management.

External auditing – This is auditing a company’s financial records to ensure the transparency, dependability, and accuracy of financial data. An external audit gets performed by a third party who has no affiliation with the organization and aids in discovering any frauds, misstatements, or miscalculations. In addition, external auditors will report on the business’s progress to management, assisting them in making future decisions and strategies.

Statuary Audit- This type of audit gets required by law and communicates financial information to all stakeholders such as investors, shareholders, the general public, and so on. This audit aims to reassure the government and other stakeholders that all financial data representation is accurate and honest.

Why do Abu Dhabi businesses require Auditing Firms?

  • Audit firms and Best Auditing Services In Dubai assess your company’s market reputation and dependability. Firms with successful audit reports will appeal to stakeholders because they will be assured of the business’s performance and transparency.
  • The business operations will be guaranteed to pressure groups such as the government.
  • Hiring audit firms gives the company access to specialized teams and individuals who can assist the company in various areas such as taxation, profit and loss analysis, fraud prevention, etc.
  • It contributes to the stakeholders’ continued trust.

Why choose RBS Auditing?

RBS Auditing is a top professional Accounting, Tax, and Auditing firm with a full-fledged professional team with qualifications and experience in Accounting, Auditing, Taxation, Management Consultancy, and Business Advisory Services. RBS Auditing is a leading service provider with a fully qualified professional team ready to assist clients in risk management and operations improvement. So, if you are looking for Professional Auditing Services In DubaiYou have just landed on the right page. Get in touch with RBS Auditing now!

Best reasonable Outsourced Accounting Services


First, you’d wish to work with an organization with their success parameters victimization the worth of service they deliver to clients. The RBS auditing is such a firm! An Outsource Accounting Services In Dubai, our team of capable accountants and auditors aims to serve shoppers to manage risks and increase the potency of their business operations.

The firm features a young and dynamic team of pros in its leadership. They have a vision, passion, experience, and dedication to providing services in adherence to the most current international standards on auditing and monetary coverage. We have clients across Dubai and UAE, ranging from small-medium enterprises to massive companies.

Outsource Accounting Services In Dubai,
Outsource Accounting Services In Dubai,

Suppose you’re trying to find skilled steering that might leverage formalities required to ascertain businesses within the trade, industrial, or services sectors, offshore, local, or in any free zones in the UAE. In that case, we tend to are the corporate to travel to! The accountant offers tax and accounting services: statutory, internal, and management audit, VAT practice, and many alternative monetary practice services.


Outsourced Accounting Services

The accountant has witnessed tremendous growth and enlargement within the UAE. Thanks to the standard outsourcing accounting services offered. With the increase of huge companies and the legal necessities of companies to keep up correct monetary records, it’s become even more vital for each business to rent accounting consultants in Dubai.

According to the UAE business Company Law 2015, businesses must keep up correct accounts for a minimum of 5 years. Also, as per the UAE VAT law, companies’ books of account are to be maintained for a minimum of five years.

To keep pace with the growing economy of UAE and to accommodates the legal necessities for all levels of business, yet effectively contend with alternative companies, it’s generally tough for firms to manage their business accounting activities while not having to rent an associate degree accounting company (especially for SMEs). Therefore, it becomes the most effective possibility.

The accountant offers outsourced accounting services that meet the monetary desires of any class of business within the international market. We tend to make sure that the financial statements we offer comply with International economic coverage Standards and that we conceive keeping the number of professional standards and quality as high as is.


Corporate Finance

Our Vat & Excise Advisory In UAE offers associate degree best capital structure to your organization at low prices. We tend to leverage our sturdy relationships with the banks and institutions to facilitate and manage the organization’s borrowing desires.