Redetermination of penalties equal to 30% of the total unpaid penalties, pursuant to Cabinet Decision 49 of 2021 on the Administrative Penalties for Violation of Tax Laws in the UAE:

Tax Reduction in the Penalties


Redetermination of penalties equal to 30% of the total unpaid penalties

31 December 2021 is the due date to avail the benefit of the Tax Penalties Amnesty or Redetermination of penalties pursuant to Cabinet Decision 49 of 2021 (the Redetermination of penalties equal to 30% of the total unpaid penalties).

To benefit from the tax penalties amnesty or redetermination, all of the following conditions have to be met according to Article 3 of Cabinet Decision 49 of 2021 on the Administrative Penalties for Violation of Tax Laws in the UAE:

  1. Any of the administrative penalties set out in Cabinet Decision No. 40 of 2017 have been imposed on the person before the effective date of Cabinet Decision No. 49 of 2021 (i.e. before 28 June 2021);
  2. The person has not settled all the administrative penalties imposed on it as per Cabinet Decision No. 40 of 2017 in full before 28 June 2021
  3. The taxable person has undertaken all of the following:
  • Settled all payable tax, i.e. the registrant shall ensure that by 31 December 2021, no payable tax is still outstanding whether such tax was payable before or after 28 June 2021, and that all such amounts have been received by the FTA by 31 December 2021; and
  • Settled 30% of the total unsettled administrative penalties referenced above which were imposed before 28 June 2021, no later than 31 December 2021.
  • In order to avail the tax amnesty benefit, ensure that all of the above mentioned conditions are fulfilled.
  • All payable taxes is the tax payable (based on tax returns submitted and any adjustments due to voluntary disclosures or tax assessments) that is still outstanding whether such tax was payable before or after 28 June 2021.
  • 30% of the total unsettled administrative penalties refer to the administrative penalties imposed prior to 28 June 2021 pursuant to Cabinet Decision No. 40 of 2017.
  • All the payable taxes and 30% of the administrative penalties must be settled by 31 December 2021.
  • The amount to be settled as per Cabinet Decision No. (49) of 2021 may be viewed by logging into your E-services account and by clicking the option: “Click Here” to view the Amendment of Administrative Penalties imposed as per Cabinet Decision No. 49 of 2021.
  • Please ensure that the payment transfer(s) reflect on the FTA portal by 31 December 2021 and the payment receipts are available to substantiate the transfer.




Anti-money laundering law comprises the laws, regulations, and procedures to curb the disguising of illegally obtained funds through market manipulation, trading of illegal goods, corruption, tax evasion, terrorism, etc. AML is targeting to identify and prevent the methods to launder the illegally obtained funds.

Anti-money laundering and counter-financing of terrorism (CFT) are now global concerns. And all individuals and firms in the UAE shall adhere to the rules and regulations to avoid legal consequences.

In UAE to develop the legislative and legal structure of the nation to ensure compliance with international standards on anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism Federal Decree-law No. (20) of 2018 on ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING AND COMBATING THE FINANCING OF TERRORISM AND FINANCING OF ILLEGAL ORGANISATIONS has been implemented.

The law aims to:

(a) Combat money-laundering practices.

(b) Establish a legal framework that supports the authorities concerned with anti-money laundering and crimes related to money-laundering.

(c) Counter the financing of terrorist operations and suspicious organisations.

The UAE AML Law (Cabinet Decision No. 10 of 2019) outlined following categories as Designated Nonfinancial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs) in Article 3.

Anyone who is engaged in the following trade or business activities shall be considered a DNFBP:

  • Brokers and real estate agents when they conclude operations for the benefit of their customers with respect to the purchase and sale of real estate.
  • Dealers in precious metals and precious stones (any single monetary transaction or several transactions that appear to be interrelated or equal to more than AED 55,000).
  • Lawyers, notaries, and other independent legal professionals and independent accountants, when preparing, conducting, or executing specific financial transactions for their customers.
  • Providers of corporate services and trusts upon performing or executing the specific transaction on behalf of their Customers.
  • Other professions and activities shall be determined by a decision of the Minister.

Statutory obligations of DNFBPs are:

  • Appointment of an AML/CFT compliance officer
  • Performing customer due diligence (CDD) measures
  • Suspicious transaction reporting to the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)
  • Subscription to the automatic reporting system for sanctions lists

To fulfill these statutory obligations, DNFBPs should ensure that they have adequate internal policies, procedures, and controls in place, commensurate with the size and nature of the business. DNFBPs that fail to follow with these rules shall be subject to various administrative and financial penalties ranging from Dh 50,000 to Dh 5 millions. This law and framework have been established to detect, discourage and prevent financial crimes and reporting suspicious transactions.


Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Advisory

With the continuous changes in the regulatory framework and more stringent AML Rules and regulations, it is becoming difficult for Financial institutions and DNFPBs to implement new regulations and design complete compliance framework.

We help our customers and provide advisory services on –

  • Registering in GoAml portal’
  • Identifying and assessing ML/FT risks
  • AML Governance Framework,
  • Assurance Reviews and Agreed Upon Procedures
  • Compliance Remediation,
  • Financial Crime Prevention Framework.
  • Putting in place an adequate governance framework for AML/CFT
  • Comply with the directives of the Competent Authorities of the State in relation to the United Nations Security Council resolutions under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, and in relation to Cabinet Decision No. (20) of 2019 Regarding Terrorism Lists Regulation and Implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions.
  • Providing outsourced compliance officer services and AML consulting services.
  • Extending all the necessary guidelines to your team in keeping and maintaining the books and records in relation to the law in a manner that is best suited to your line of business


UAE Tax penalty
Cabinet Decision No. 49 of 2021 on Amending some Provisions of Cabinet Decision No. 40 of 2017 on the Administrative Penalties for Violation of Tax Laws in the UAE
In accordance with Cabinet Decision No 49 of 2021 on Amending some Provisions of Cabinet Decision No. 40 of 2017 on the Administrative Penalties for Violation of Tax Laws in the UAE, which will be effective from 28 June 2021, the FTA would like to inform you that it has released two Public Clarifications, which you can view on the FTA website.
With respect to TAXP002, and if you had any outstanding balances, you would have previously been able to see such outstanding balance on the returns page. From Wednesday 23 June, you will be able to see how much of your balance is related to tax and how much is related to administrative penalties on the My Payments page when you log into E-Services. This link will open a window that will include the following:
  • Tax Payable – this is the outstanding tax balance (based on tax returns you submitted and any adjustments due to voluntary disclosures or tax assessments) and will be updated on a daily basis until 31 December 2021, for you to know how much tax is outstanding and is subject to late payment penalties if not settled by payable date, and needs to be settled in full before 31 December 2021 to benefit from the redetermination of administrative penalties in accordance with Cabinet Decision No 49 of 2021.
  • Late Registration Penalty – this is the outstanding unpaid late registration penalty, if available.
  • Other Penalties Payable – this is the outstanding unpaid administrative penalties balance (other than late registration) and may increase if new administrative penalties are applied or decrease if payments are made or penalty reversed. The balance on 28 June 2021 will be subject to redetermination if conditions stated in Cabinet Decision No 49 of 2021 are met.
  • Net Payable Amount – this is the total amount of Tax Payable and Penalties Payable outstanding at any time.
  • Total Credit – this is the amount of credit that the registrant has with the FTA. FTA will be launching a full dashboard with your Tax Payable and Administrative Penalties


Received Penalties For No-Submission Of ESR Report?!. File An Appeal
Did you successfully submit the Economic Substance Notification & Economic Substance Report of your company to the Ministry of Finance?
Did you successfully submit the Economic Substance Notification & Economic Substance Report of your company to the Ministry of Finance?
Did you get any response from the authority is after that?
Many licensees in the UAE have come across penalty emails from the Ministry of Finance.

Did you get any such penalty email?

If yes, do you know how to resolve the issues? In order to resolve such issues, we should know exactly the reason for receiving such a penalty ticket from the Authority. We have listed down some of the reasons why you might have received penalty emails
Situation in which Economic Substance Notification is submitted declaring a Specific Relevant Activity. Later the Economic Substance notification amendment was filed that it is not covered in Relevant activity neither earning relevant income in the Economic Substance Notification.
In this case, the company need not submit the Economic Substance Report. But the approval for Amendment on Economic Substance Notification might have taken the time and by then the Economic Substance Report Tab becomes active.
Economic Substance Report was not filed since it is not carrying relevant activity . Still, the penalty ticket may raise.
How to waive off the penalties generated from situations like above?
In the above-given scenarios, the Licensee or Exempted Licensee will have the option to Appeal.
Article 13 & 14 of the Economic Substance Regulation provides the offences & penalties for failure to provide Notification and Report, respectively. The administrative penalty will be levied on that Licensee or Exempted Licensee who fails to submit Notification & Report (wherever applicable) as below: Failure to submit Penalty Amount
Failure to submit
Penalty amount
AED 20,000
AED 50,000
If there is a delay in submitting Economic Substance Notification or Economic Substance Reports, and if such delay is because of the ignorance of the Law, the chance of getting approval for waiving off the penalty cannot be assured through an appeal.
But there are genuine cases as mentioned at the beginning of this article, where the penalty can be appealed and removed. We are happy to resolve your issues by submitting the Appeal to the Authority.



VAT registration of ‘Sole Establishments’ clarification:- VATP026 replaces Public Clarification VATP021.

A natural or legal person may own a number of sole establishments. There has been uncertainty on whether each sole establishment needs to obtain a separate VAT registration or whether all such establishments should be included under one VAT registration.
This Public Clarification clarifies the VAT registration obligations of a person in respect of its sole establishments. Note that the term “person” refers to a natural or legal person.
A person owning a number of sole establishments should obtain only one VAT registration for all its sole establishments, and it is not permissible to register each sole establishment separately for VAT. The Federal Tax Authority (‘FTA’) will review, in certain cases, the VAT registrations by taxable persons in respect of sole establishments and will inform them of the corrective steps to be taken, if any.
For further clarification visit us at:- .


anti Money_Laundering

All UAE companies required to submit UBO details before 30th of June 2021

An initiative of the UAE government to combat against activities related to terrorist financing and money laundering, Cabinet Decision (No 58) of 2020 on Regulation of Procedures for Real Beneficiary requires all companies to maintain a register and submit relevant details of their Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO)
Ministry of Economy has set its deadline for submission of UBO details of all companies under its jurisdiction for the 30th of June 2021.

Fine & Penalties up to AED 100,000

All companies in UAE failing to submit UBO details on or before the deadline will be imposed with administrative sanctions face penalties of up to Dh100,000 from July 2021.
Importantly, the company’s licence can also be suspended for a year for not conforming to the instructions of the ministry.
Details to disclose with the authority are as follows:
A real beneficiary or UBO is the natural person controlling or owning at least twenty five (25) percent of the company’s issued share capital, either through direct or indirect control or chain of ownership. A UBO is also any natural person that has control on the dismissal and appointment of majority of company directors.


Dept. of economic development
The UAE’s Ministry of Economy has confirmed that the amended legislation permitting foreign investors and entrepreneurs to establish and fully own onshore companies, will come into effect from June 1.
Amendment to the Commercial Companies Law will ‘boost country’s competitive edge and facilitate business’, according to UAE Minister of Economy
Minister of Economy Abdullah bin Touq in a tweet confirmed that the latest decision is a new step that reflects the UAE government’s commitment to supporting the economy and enhancing its readiness for the future.
In November 2020, the UAE announced that the of businesses would take effect from December 1, 2020. However, after widening the scope of sectors eligible for full ownership by foreign investors, the law is now ready for roll out from June 1, 2021.
The long-anticipated and widely discussed reform, which will have game-changing implications on the investment landscape of the nation, was approved by President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan last year.
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has said the UAE now enjoys a fertile legislative environment for foreign direct investors in order to enhance the nation’s competitiveness.
Last month, the UAE’s Ministry of Economy also said it was working on a new legislation to include 10 new sectors to the Commercial Companies Law, which allows 100 per cent foreign ownership of onshore companies in the country.


Anti money Laundering
Ministry of Economy extends deadline for registration of designated non-financial businesses & professions in anti-money laundering regulations until 30 April
The Ministry of Economy (MoE) announced the extension of the deadline granted to Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs) to register in the systems approved for countering money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism, until the end of April 2021. The extension has been granted due to a large number of companies in the sector coming forward to register in the last days of the previous deadline, which expired on March 31, 2021. Furthermore, the unusual circumstances faced by companies and the business sector in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic has also been taken into consideration.
The Ministry explained that it is mandatory for the targeted companies, which include brokers and real estate agents, auditors, dealers of precious metals and gemstones, and corporate service providers, to register in the goAML system and the Automatic Reporting System for Sanctions Lists before the end of the new deadline. The registration in these systems can be done free of cost. After the registration, they should also take the specified measures to ensure full compliance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 20 of 2018 on anti-money laundering, combating the financing of terrorism and illegal organizations, and their implementing regulations and relevant decisions.
The Ministry called on the concerned companies to take advantage of the new extended period for registration to avoid the penalties and fines stipulated in the law, which will be imposed starting from May 1, 2021. Fines start from AED 50,000 and go up to AED 5 million, while the penalties for companies that fail to register could even lead to the revocation of the license or closure of the facility itself.


On 1 September 2020, the Cabinet issued a Cabinet Decision No. 9/12 O of 2020 (“Cabinet Decision”). The Decision concerns the temporary application of VAT at the 0% rate on certain supplies and imports of medical equipment. Furthermore, the Ministerial Decision No. 380 of 2020 (“Ministerial Decision”) issued by the Minister of Health and Prevention on 6 December 2020 (with effect from 1 September 2020) specifies the medical equipment that are zero-rated in accordance with the Cabinet Decision. In accordance with Cabinet Decision No. 15/3 O of 2021, the above decisions shall be effective until 31 December 2021.
In accordance with the Cabinet Decision, a supply or import of certain medical equipment may be zero-rated. It should be noted that that the zero-rating of supplies and imports under the Cabinet Decision is separate, and in addition to, zero-rating of any other medical equipment in accordance with Cabinet Decision No. 56 of 2017 on Medications and Medical Equipment Subject to Tax at Zero Rate.
On 1 September 2020, the Cabinet issued a Cabinet Decision No. 9/12 O of 2020 (“Cabinet Decision”). The Decision concerns the temporary application of VAT at the 0% rate on certain supplies and imports of medical equipment. Furthermore, the Ministerial Decision No. 380 of 2020 (“Ministerial Decision”) issued by the Minister of Health and Prevention on 6 December 2020 (with effect from 1 September 2020) specifies the medical equipment that are zero-rated in accordance with the Cabinet Decision. In accordance with Cabinet Decision No. 15/3 O of 2021, the above decisions shall be effective until 31 December 2021.
In accordance with the Cabinet Decision, a supply or import of certain medical equipment may be zero-rated. It should be noted that that the zero-rating of supplies and imports under the Cabinet Decision is separate, and in addition to, zero-rating of any other medical equipment in accordance with Cabinet Decision No. 56 of 2017 on Medications and Medical Equipment Subject to Tax at Zero Rate.
The “medical equipment” to which the temporary zero-rating rules apply are personal protective equipment used for the protection from Covid-19, and which contain the features and meet the specifications determined and specified by the Ministerial Decision. Such medical equipment are limited to:
  • Medical face masks that are not included in the Cabinet Decision No. 56 of 2017 on Medications and Medical Equipment Subject to Tax at Zero Rate (of approved standards 14683 and UAE.S ASTM F2100);
  • Half filtered face mask (UAE.S EN 149);
  • Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for use on the human body, but excluding detergents, cosmetics and personal care products (UAE.S EN 1276, EN 1650, and EN 14476:2013+A2).
  • Non-Medical “community” face mask made from textile (UAE.S 1956);
  • Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for use on the human body, but excluding detergents, cosmetics and personal care products (UAE.S EN 1276, EN 1650, and EN 14476:2013+A2).


Date of supply/import of above mentioned medical equipment shall be within the period beginning from 1 September 2020 to 31 December 2021.