Global Presence

RBS Auditing is an Independent Member of ABACUS WORLDWIDE
Global Presence – RBS Auditing is an independent member of Abacus Worldwide an international association of independent accounting, consulting, and legal firms focused on connecting like-minded quality firms for the sole purpose of providing its member firms with the knowledge and resources they need to grow in today’s multifaceted business environment.
Through membership in Abacus, RBS Auditing strongly enhances its ability to provide assistance, referrals, and increased knowledge to clients with international business needs. In addition, clients of the firm benefit directly from the relationships and resources that are exchanged between member firms of Abacus. Similarly, RBS Auditing. provides other Abacus members with access to the firm’s expertise in insurance, retail, trade, and service industries and their vast knowledge of the UAE market. The goal of Abacus Worldwide is to assist member firms in meeting client needs locally and internationally by connecting them with the right firms in the right locations anytime and anywhere.
Founded in 2012, the association is currently represented by 115 member firms spanning 225 offices in 50 countries. Abacus Worldwide ranks among the top 12 global accounting associations with member global revenue of nearly $500 Million. For more information on Abacus Worldwide, visit the association website at