Dive In for Business valuation safely with RBS auditing

business valuation

Starting a new business is not only dependent on the money that you have invested, but the structure of your business defines your aims. If you choose the wrong shape for your business, it will only lead you to risks. Our company RBS Auditing offers Business Valuation Services in Dubai and Abu Dhabi to help you grasp the exact worth of your company. Some key factors, such as assets, liabilities, management, market, etc., are crucial to determining the company’s position and help in the decision-making to discover the best advantages. 

Business Valuation Services in Dubai, UAE

What Exactly Is Business Valuation?

The valuation of any business is significant to understand the current value of that business keeping various factors in mind, such as the management, assets, liabilities, income, and the position of that company. Undergoing the Business Valuation Services in UAE would become easy for the stakeholders to make remarkable decisions for the company if they are aware of the value of that company. 

Perks of Business Valuation-

Business valuation can be profitable for you in several ways, 

Business Valuation Services in Dubai & UAE | Business Valuation Company

  1. Business valuation improves the goodwill of the company as per the market environment.
  2. It attracts investors to the company by increasing its exact value.
  3. The current valuation help in discovering the basic details of the company’s assets and liabilities. Hence, you would be able to restructure the company according to you.
  4. The valuation of your company help in making long-term decisions regarding business diversification.
  5. The high value of your company helps in building trust by making it easy for you to take loans in the future.

The valuation of any business is due to various reasons given below-


  • Goodwill Deterioration
  • Mergers or purchases
  • Reorganization and Bankruptcies
  • Shareholders oppression cases
  • Funding or financing
  • Litigation and ownership disputes
  • Business Planning
  • Buy or Sell contracts

There are also various tools and programs provided by our company to help you make varied smart decisions for expanding your business, such as Comparative Financial ratio analysis, Ratio analysis, and analysis of going concern concept.

If you are also looking for your business valuation, and have found our services to the point, then please feel free to visit our website for further details, or else you can also contact our customer care available round the clock to solve all your queries regarding our services. Our company also delivers Business Consultancy Services in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. If you need more details and help regarding these services then ping us. We are here to serve all your need for these services.

UAE to introduce 9% corporate tax on business profits from June 1, 2023


Ministry of Finance to introduce federal corporate tax on business profits, effective for financial years starting on or after 1 June 2023

ABU DHABI, 31st January, 2022 (WAM) — The Ministry of Finance has announced that the UAE will introduce a federal corporate tax on business profits that will be effective for financial years starting on or after 1st June 2023. Businesses will become subject to UAE corporate tax from the beginning of their first financial year that starts on or after 1st June 2023.

The UAE corporate tax regime has been designed to incorporate best practices globally and minimise the compliance burden on businesses. Corporate tax will be payable on the profits of UAE businesses as reported in their financial statements prepared in accordance with internationally acceptable accounting standards, with minimal exceptions and adjustments. The corporate tax will apply to all businesses and commercial activities alike, except for the extraction of natural resources which will remain subject to Emirate level corporate taxation.

With a standard statutory tax rate of 9 percent and a 0 percent tax rate for taxable profits up to AED375,000 to support small businesses and startups, the UAE corporate tax regime will be amongst the most competitive in the world.

No corporate tax will apply on personal income from employment, real estate and other investments, or on any other income earned by individuals that does not arise from a business or other form of commercial activity licensed or otherwise permitted to be undertaken in the UAE.

“As a leading jurisdiction for innovation and investment, the UAE plays a pivotal role in helping businesses grow, locally and globally. The certainty of a competitive and best in class corporate tax regime, together with the UAE’s extensive double tax treaty network, will cement the UAE’s position as a world-leading hub for business and investment”, said Younis Haji Al Khoori, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance.

Younis Haji Al Khoori further adds that “with the introduction of corporate tax, the UAE reaffirms its commitment to meeting international standards for tax transparency and preventing harmful tax practices. The regime will pave the way for the UAE to address the challenges arising from the digitalisation of the global economy and the other remaining BEPS [Base Erosion and Profit Shifting] concerns, and execute its support for the introduction of a global minimum tax rate by applying a different corporate tax rate to large multinationals that meet specific criteria set with reference to the above initiative.”

Recognising the contribution of free zones to the UAE’s economy and competitiveness, the UAE corporate tax regime will continue to honour the corporate tax incentives currently being offered to free zone businesses that comply with all regulatory requirements and that do not conduct business with mainland UAE.

Given the position of the UAE as a global financial centre and an international business hub, the UAE will not impose withholding taxes on domestic and cross border payments, or subject foreign investors who do not carry on business in the UAE to corporate tax.

As an international headquarter location, a UAE business will be exempt from paying tax on capital gains and dividends received from its qualifying shareholdings, and foreign taxes will be allowed to be credited against UAE corporate tax payable.

The UAE corporate tax regime will have generous loss utilisation rules and will allow UAE groups to be taxed as a single entity or to apply group relief in respect of losses and intragroup transactions and restructurings.

The UAE corporate tax regime will ensure the compliance burden is kept to a minimum for businesses that prepare and maintain adequate financial statements. Businesses will only need to file one corporate tax return each financial year and will not be required to make advance tax payments or prepare provisional tax returns. Transfer pricing and documentation requirements will apply to UAE businesses with reference to the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines.

“The introduction of a corporate tax regime will help the UAE achieve its strategic ambitions and incentivise businesses to establish and expand their activities in the UAE,” said Younis Haji Al Khoori.

UAE businesses will be given ample time to prepare for the introduction of corporate tax in the UAE. The UAE Ministry of Finance plans to issue further information on the UAE corporate tax regime toward the middle of the year to help businesses get ready and be fully compliant.

*For further information, please visit the Federal Tax Authority website: https://tax.gov.ae/en

Courtesy:-  https://wam.ae/en


anti Money_Laundering

All UAE companies required to submit UBO details before 30th of June 2021

An initiative of the UAE government to combat against activities related to terrorist financing and money laundering, Cabinet Decision (No 58) of 2020 on Regulation of Procedures for Real Beneficiary requires all companies to maintain a register and submit relevant details of their Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO)
Ministry of Economy has set its deadline for submission of UBO details of all companies under its jurisdiction for the 30th of June 2021.

Fine & Penalties up to AED 100,000

All companies in UAE failing to submit UBO details on or before the deadline will be imposed with administrative sanctions face penalties of up to Dh100,000 from July 2021.
Importantly, the company’s licence can also be suspended for a year for not conforming to the instructions of the ministry.
Details to disclose with the authority are as follows:
A real beneficiary or UBO is the natural person controlling or owning at least twenty five (25) percent of the company’s issued share capital, either through direct or indirect control or chain of ownership. A UBO is also any natural person that has control on the dismissal and appointment of majority of company directors.


Dept. of economic development
The UAE’s Ministry of Economy has confirmed that the amended legislation permitting foreign investors and entrepreneurs to establish and fully own onshore companies, will come into effect from June 1.
Amendment to the Commercial Companies Law will ‘boost country’s competitive edge and facilitate business’, according to UAE Minister of Economy
Minister of Economy Abdullah bin Touq in a tweet confirmed that the latest decision is a new step that reflects the UAE government’s commitment to supporting the economy and enhancing its readiness for the future.
In November 2020, the UAE announced that the of businesses would take effect from December 1, 2020. However, after widening the scope of sectors eligible for full ownership by foreign investors, the law is now ready for roll out from June 1, 2021.
The long-anticipated and widely discussed reform, which will have game-changing implications on the investment landscape of the nation, was approved by President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan last year.
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has said the UAE now enjoys a fertile legislative environment for foreign direct investors in order to enhance the nation’s competitiveness.
Last month, the UAE’s Ministry of Economy also said it was working on a new legislation to include 10 new sectors to the Commercial Companies Law, which allows 100 per cent foreign ownership of onshore companies in the country.


Dubai, one of the best ever growing commercial centres, is a home to tons of worldwide expats that comprise a huge number of entrepreneurs, investors, employees. The destination offers as a home to international business units and is incessantly growing it in all possible methods. The UAE government has been accepting all the likely measures to set-up it as the world’s business centre. In the procedure of doing so, it has set definite mandates for business units. One such authorization is carrying out Business Valuation Services In Dubai that must be followed by an organization despite its structure, size and the nature of the business. Be it a start-up or a well-known organization, it has become a need. This article emphasizes the fact that why the valuation services play such a vital role.

Now, when it comes to the Business Valuation Services In UAE, several methods are implemented through which the worth of a business can be strong-minded and being a business owner, one must know. Go through such processes:

Company Valuation Methods

Business Valuation Services In Dubai – A business valuation process holds a sturdy grip in the valuation procedure. It is a vital task that must be followed in all the companies. There are several ways in which the valuation can occur. Some of the often used measures are as follows:

1 Asset-Based Approach
This process considers the overall investment done in the business. It assists you to understand the total worth of the resources present apart from the liabilities piece.
2 Market Approach
This strategy acts only if related business entities exist as similar to yours. This process compares the value of your business to other business which has been sold recently.
2 Income Based/Discounted Cash Flow Approach
This is the most extensively received strategy. It intends at revealing the value of a business in its future. It evaluates the future cash flows to find the present value.



Business Valuation Services In UAE – There are several reasons why you want an existing assessment of your business and lots of business owners take for granted that it is only required when selling but in fact, this is not the case.

However, selling your business is a main premeditated move and understanding the packed value of your business as it presently stands, plus future prospective is compulsory to make sure that you obtain the best possible price.

Better Knowledge of Company Assets

It is most vital to get a correct business assessment appraisal. Approximations are not good enough as it is an overview.

Particular numbers require to be profited from valuation procedures so that business owners can get hold of appropriate insurance coverage, understand how much to invest into the company, and how much to put up for sale your company for so that you still make a revenue.

                                            Also Read :- Vat Registration In UAE  

Understanding of Company Resale Value

If you are considering selling your company, understanding its exact value is required. This procedure must be commenced rather than the business goes up for sale on the open market because you will get an opportunity to take enough time to augment the company’s value to attain a higher selling price. As a business owner, you must know what your company’s assessment is.

You must be aware of what your company’s resale value in fact is to negotiate a higher selling price.

Acquire a True Company Value

You will have an overview of what your business is important that is based upon straightforward data such as stock market value, total benefit value and company bank account balances. Business Consultancy Services Dubai However, there is enough to business assessments than those effortless factors. Work with a trustworthy valuations company to make sure that the accurate numbers are given.

It also assists to illustrate company income and valuation increase over the course of the before five years.Business Valuation Services In UAE


Dubai, one of the best ever budding commercial centres, is a house to tons of international migrants that comprise a vast number of business persons, investors, employees. The destination offers as a habitat to global business territories and is endlessly spreading out it in all potential ways. The UAE government has been adjusting all the potential measures to setup it as the world’s business centre. In the procedure of implementing so, it has made several authorizations for business units. One such authorization is carrying out business valuation services that must to be followed by an organization in spite of of its structure, size and the nature of the business. This article emphasizes the piece of information that why the valuation services by Business Valuation Services In Dubai plays such a vital part.
Now, when it comes to the business valuation method, different methods are used through which the value of a business can be evaluated and being a business proprietor, one must know. Go through all:

Company Valuation Methods

Business Valuation Services In UAE comprise a tough clutch in the valuation procedure. It is an indispensable job that must be followed in all the firms. There are several ways in which the valuation can occur. Some of the frequently used methods are given:

1.Asset-Based Strategy

This technique deems the overall investment done in the business. It assists you understand the total value of the assets available without the legal responsibilities element.

2.Market Strategy

This strategy acts only if related business units present as same to yours. This system compares the worth of your business to other business which has been sold in recent times.

3.Income Based/Discounted Cash Flow Strategy

This is the far and wide established strategy. It intends at expressing the value of a Business Valuation Services In Dubai in its future. It processes the future cash flows to come across the present value