Dept. of economic development
The UAE’s Ministry of Economy has confirmed that the amended legislation permitting foreign investors and entrepreneurs to establish and fully own onshore companies, will come into effect from June 1.
Amendment to the Commercial Companies Law will ‘boost country’s competitive edge and facilitate business’, according to UAE Minister of Economy
Minister of Economy Abdullah bin Touq in a tweet confirmed that the latest decision is a new step that reflects the UAE government’s commitment to supporting the economy and enhancing its readiness for the future.
In November 2020, the UAE announced that the of businesses would take effect from December 1, 2020. However, after widening the scope of sectors eligible for full ownership by foreign investors, the law is now ready for roll out from June 1, 2021.
The long-anticipated and widely discussed reform, which will have game-changing implications on the investment landscape of the nation, was approved by President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan last year.
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has said the UAE now enjoys a fertile legislative environment for foreign direct investors in order to enhance the nation’s competitiveness.
Last month, the UAE’s Ministry of Economy also said it was working on a new legislation to include 10 new sectors to the Commercial Companies Law, which allows 100 per cent foreign ownership of onshore companies in the country.


Anti money Laundering
Ministry of Economy extends deadline for registration of designated non-financial businesses & professions in anti-money laundering regulations until 30 April
The Ministry of Economy (MoE) announced the extension of the deadline granted to Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs) to register in the systems approved for countering money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism, until the end of April 2021. The extension has been granted due to a large number of companies in the sector coming forward to register in the last days of the previous deadline, which expired on March 31, 2021. Furthermore, the unusual circumstances faced by companies and the business sector in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic has also been taken into consideration.
The Ministry explained that it is mandatory for the targeted companies, which include brokers and real estate agents, auditors, dealers of precious metals and gemstones, and corporate service providers, to register in the goAML system and the Automatic Reporting System for Sanctions Lists before the end of the new deadline. The registration in these systems can be done free of cost. After the registration, they should also take the specified measures to ensure full compliance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 20 of 2018 on anti-money laundering, combating the financing of terrorism and illegal organizations, and their implementing regulations and relevant decisions.
The Ministry called on the concerned companies to take advantage of the new extended period for registration to avoid the penalties and fines stipulated in the law, which will be imposed starting from May 1, 2021. Fines start from AED 50,000 and go up to AED 5 million, while the penalties for companies that fail to register could even lead to the revocation of the license or closure of the facility itself.


On 1 September 2020, the Cabinet issued a Cabinet Decision No. 9/12 O of 2020 (“Cabinet Decision”). The Decision concerns the temporary application of VAT at the 0% rate on certain supplies and imports of medical equipment. Furthermore, the Ministerial Decision No. 380 of 2020 (“Ministerial Decision”) issued by the Minister of Health and Prevention on 6 December 2020 (with effect from 1 September 2020) specifies the medical equipment that are zero-rated in accordance with the Cabinet Decision. In accordance with Cabinet Decision No. 15/3 O of 2021, the above decisions shall be effective until 31 December 2021.
In accordance with the Cabinet Decision, a supply or import of certain medical equipment may be zero-rated. It should be noted that that the zero-rating of supplies and imports under the Cabinet Decision is separate, and in addition to, zero-rating of any other medical equipment in accordance with Cabinet Decision No. 56 of 2017 on Medications and Medical Equipment Subject to Tax at Zero Rate.
On 1 September 2020, the Cabinet issued a Cabinet Decision No. 9/12 O of 2020 (“Cabinet Decision”). The Decision concerns the temporary application of VAT at the 0% rate on certain supplies and imports of medical equipment. Furthermore, the Ministerial Decision No. 380 of 2020 (“Ministerial Decision”) issued by the Minister of Health and Prevention on 6 December 2020 (with effect from 1 September 2020) specifies the medical equipment that are zero-rated in accordance with the Cabinet Decision. In accordance with Cabinet Decision No. 15/3 O of 2021, the above decisions shall be effective until 31 December 2021.
In accordance with the Cabinet Decision, a supply or import of certain medical equipment may be zero-rated. It should be noted that that the zero-rating of supplies and imports under the Cabinet Decision is separate, and in addition to, zero-rating of any other medical equipment in accordance with Cabinet Decision No. 56 of 2017 on Medications and Medical Equipment Subject to Tax at Zero Rate.
The “medical equipment” to which the temporary zero-rating rules apply are personal protective equipment used for the protection from Covid-19, and which contain the features and meet the specifications determined and specified by the Ministerial Decision. Such medical equipment are limited to:
  • Medical face masks that are not included in the Cabinet Decision No. 56 of 2017 on Medications and Medical Equipment Subject to Tax at Zero Rate (of approved standards 14683 and UAE.S ASTM F2100);
  • Half filtered face mask (UAE.S EN 149);
  • Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for use on the human body, but excluding detergents, cosmetics and personal care products (UAE.S EN 1276, EN 1650, and EN 14476:2013+A2).
  • Non-Medical “community” face mask made from textile (UAE.S 1956);
  • Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for use on the human body, but excluding detergents, cosmetics and personal care products (UAE.S EN 1276, EN 1650, and EN 14476:2013+A2).


Date of supply/import of above mentioned medical equipment shall be within the period beginning from 1 September 2020 to 31 December 2021.



Business Valuation Services In UAE – There are several reasons why you want an existing assessment of your business and lots of business owners take for granted that it is only required when selling but in fact, this is not the case.

However, selling your business is a main premeditated move and understanding the packed value of your business as it presently stands, plus future prospective is compulsory to make sure that you obtain the best possible price.

Better Knowledge of Company Assets

It is most vital to get a correct business assessment appraisal. Approximations are not good enough as it is an overview.

Particular numbers require to be profited from valuation procedures so that business owners can get hold of appropriate insurance coverage, understand how much to invest into the company, and how much to put up for sale your company for so that you still make a revenue.

                                            Also Read :- Vat Registration In UAE  

Understanding of Company Resale Value

If you are considering selling your company, understanding its exact value is required. This procedure must be commenced rather than the business goes up for sale on the open market because you will get an opportunity to take enough time to augment the company’s value to attain a higher selling price. As a business owner, you must know what your company’s assessment is.

You must be aware of what your company’s resale value in fact is to negotiate a higher selling price.

Acquire a True Company Value

You will have an overview of what your business is important that is based upon straightforward data such as stock market value, total benefit value and company bank account balances. Business Consultancy Services Dubai However, there is enough to business assessments than those effortless factors. Work with a trustworthy valuations company to make sure that the accurate numbers are given.

It also assists to illustrate company income and valuation increase over the course of the before five years.Business Valuation Services In UAE


There are four major advantages to being Vat Registration In UAE that small businesses can willingly enjoy. At present, UAE based agencies only need to sign up for VAT if their revenue is £83,000 or more throughout year.
The Government taxes VAT (Value Added Tax) against goods and services within the UAE. The existing VAT rate is benchmark 20%, lower rate 5%, and zero rates 0%.
The standard charge of VAT will be valid to most goods and services retailed. The decreased rate will apply to businesses like children’s car seats and energy service providers. Zero rates will use to food and children’s clothes.
Also Read :- Liquidation Services In Dubai
Thus, if you are running a small business, how can you get advantage from being VAT registered?

1.You get a VAT registration number

This might not look too thrilling, but your business can benefit from showing your VAT registration number on all your papers, website, and stationery. Vat Registration In UAE This can increase reliability to your business and provide you a more dependable and professional picture.

2.You can claim VAT refunds

Once registration done, you can get back for VAT on all goods and services your business purchases. This should be balanced with what your business is charging and obtaining in VAT payments over the year. If you have spent lots of bucks in equipment, plant, apparatus or IT, you can easily recover a huge amount of VAT.
When it is best time to submit your VAT return, you can find that the HMRC sends you some money for a transform!

3.You can improve your business image

If you are running a new small business, another advantage to being VAT registered is that many individuals are attentive of the VAT threshold. You then come out to your prospective customers that you are larger than you actually are by showing your VAT number.
This can also assist you when it comes to managing other businesses. Some businesses choose it if you can increase a suitable VAT invoice.